Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween is Scary!

Not because of the ghosts and goblins, but because of a little gray monster that is running loose in our humble abode.

You see, yesterday, Maggie was not in her crate when Jason got home (and no, I had not been home yet to let her out). Our little escape artist was out-and-about with big brother and big sister... and there were no accidents. Nothing was chewed-up, all was well.

So today is her chance to prove that she can indeed be a big girl and stay out during the day (despite a rare accident Wednesday evening - on the bed - while we were there with her - what's up with that?)

So this Halloween we are crossing our fingers that we don't come home to any unexpected tricks or treats!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

One of these days I'll learn...

to take adequate "before" pictures. I'm guessing it will probably be more effective. Luckily, I was able to get a partial "before" picture... this came from our freezer:

So, you don't get the full effect because I didn't think to take a picture of the entire freezer, but you get the idea. It was a mess (slight understatement).

And this is what it looks like now -- after my wonderful, sweet, superbulous husband got through with it:

Yep, that's right. While I was cooking dinner, my awesome husband cleaned out the entire freezer, got rid of the masses of ice, threw out the old cartons of ice cream (7 I think), and the frozen meat that had no identity. He's great about helping around the house, doing things I don't necessarily want to do, and just generally being a great guy. I'm one extremely lucky girl.

Thanks, Sweets!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Close Call

The game today was a little too close for comfort. OSU has a very good team this year. I feel like we have a better team, but it seems like we weren't on top of our game today. Fortunately though, we were good enough (28-24).

Although I would have preferred a more definitive win, in retrospect, I think this is actually a better outcome in terms of preparing for next week.

Interesting facts:

#1 - this is the first home game this year we haven't scored at least 52 points :(

#2 - despite not having a "good game", Colt McCoy completed 84% of his passes (yeah, "good" is a pretty relative term here)

and most importantly:
#3 - The #1 Texas Longhorns are 8-0!!

Next week will be a tough one, but I'm hoping we will be ready for Tech. This might be the most difficult path to the National Championship game a team has had to travel in a long time.

That will make it all the more worth it if when we make it.


Monday, October 20, 2008

A Raggamuffin No More

Maggie got a haircut today:
I really should have taken a before photo because, though I'm sure you can agree that she is adorable, you truly cannot appreciate the improvement.

Can someone please explain to me...

why it is so hard to push a shopping cart to the shopping cart return area in a parking lot? I really don't understand it.

I guess in certain situations, I could see how it might be difficult. For instance, if you are shopping with more than one child under the age of five or so (and it's just you and the kids)... then yes, by all means, please get the children in the car safely and don't worry about the silly cart. The elderly, infirm, or other-wise incapacitated should probably also get a free pass, though hopefully they might have some help out with the groceries.

No one else has an excuse. You're busy? So is everyone else. You're tired? You had enough energy to go shopping. Take a nap when you get home.

And while we're at it, why not push a few stray carts back to the store on your way in?

I once saw a man exert more energy to lift a cart up onto a grassy median than it would have taken him to push it to the cart return not 15 yards away. What's up with that?

I just don't get it. So please, if you have any insight into this phenomenon, please share. Until I am enlightened on this matter, I will continue to cringe at the site of the parking lots littered with carts. To me it is a symbol of our societal laziness and disregard for others and it's not pretty.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I <3 the Longhorns

I believe UT was favored to win over Mizzou by 7 points. I predicted the final score would be 52-21. I'm not sure I can find the right words to describe the game tonight, so I think I'll try to express my feelings with pictures...

This guy:
Deserves one of these:

This guy:
Will be sacking your favorite NFL quarterback in the near future.

We need to figure out a way to keep this guy:

at UT.

And this:
is trying to find it's way back to Austin... and it just might happen this year!

Final score:
UT 56 - Mizzou 31

Texas is still #1 - HOOK 'EM!!!

I might just vote for Mack Brown over McCain or Obama.

I am blogging against my will :)

My husband said I should start a blog. For some reason, he thinks I have interesting things to say. This is good for us, since he gets to put up with me for a very long time, but the verdict is still out as to whether or not this will be of any use to anyone else.

We'll see.

These are our dogs (hence the "3 Dog" portion of the title):

They're cute, aren't they? Yes, we are crazy.

Here is my husband's blog. He decided he wanted to be cool like me ;)

That's all for now. Time will tell if this actually takes off. Oh, and one last thing...