Saturday, November 22, 2008

I've neglected the blog.

I haven't blogged all week. Oops.

I can't really thing of much to blog about. Hmmm.

I cooked a whole chicken on Monday. It was pretty good, but for some reason was even better when I had it for lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I climbed up on the roof and re-aligned the satellite dish this morning. :)

We're watching the OU/Tech game. It is now 65-14. It has been a fun game to watch. It will be interesting to see how this season pans out.

That's really all I've got right now. Exciting, I know. :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Great Day!

We had a family get-together at my brother's house today, and it was great! We ate yummy spaghetti and meatballs, watched the Longhorn game, played a neat new board game and had a nice visit. It was tons o' fun! We have a wonderful family and it's always great to hang out with everyone! :)

The new game we played is called "Ticket to Ride". It's a nice little strategic game, but one that won't drain your brain. It is also slightly fast-paced and doesn't take hours to play like a lot of games.

After dinner Jason and I played again... until he won... it took three times :)

Here are the pictures of my two victories (I'm red and Jason's blue):

And here is Jason's conquest:

Friday, November 14, 2008

Canadian Math

We went to Chili's last night, on our way to purchase a new remote control (see previous post), and when we got our receipt there was a chance to win $1000 for taking a survey. The chances of winning are probably slim, but they're better if you play than if you don't, right? So I got online and did the survey.

After I completed the survey, I saw a link to the contest rules (they were probably available at the beginning of the survey, but I didn't notice them) so I thought I'd check them out to see what "catch" would keep me from winning. This is where the funny part comes in...

From the contest rules:
"If a potential winner is a Canadian resident, such person must correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question prior to awarding of prize."

What? My best hypothesis so far is that this is some ploy by the education system to make young Canucks pay attention in algebra. Brilliant!

Little Canadian: "Teacher, this is boring. I'm gonna be a hockey player when I grow up. I don't need to know the quadratic equation."

Teacher: "Well, little Johnny, you don't want to win the lottery and be disqualified for not answering the math question correctly, do you? That's a lot of money to miss out on just so you can take a nap in my class today. But, suit yourself."

Then I thought, "nah, that would make too much sense." So, I looked it up...

Still, I find it funny that a country that gives free health care to everyone only let's the mathematically inclined win contests.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More Incriminating Evidence

So, Jason showed me the pictures taken upon his arrival at the scene of the crime. Apparently, Lucy and Tucker are boring old dogs and don't provide enough entertainment for the little yipper-snapper. Here is the path of destruction:

I think she's guilty. What do you think?

This just in: 1 out of 3 little dogs prefer the taste of small electronic devices to that of dog appropriate chew toys.

Remotes are Yummy

This is what's left of our universal remote control:

Apparently it tasted better than the multitude of chew bones available to our little four-legged friends. Our little gray angel has unfortunately lost her new-found out-of-crate privileges for a few days. But how can we stay mad at this adorable face? Plus, we got a new remote out of the situation. :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Today's a 2 Post Day - Post #2

A year ago today I married the most wonderful man in the world. We have had an amazing year and I'm looking forward to the many amazing years to come!

I love you, Sweets! Happy Anniversary! :)

Today's a 2 Post Day - Post #1

I haven't had a new post in almost a week, so I thought I'd post twice today. They'll probably both be short, though.

Topic for post #1:

I got gas for under $2 - woohoo! Not much more to say about that.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day '08

Well, I voted. I could probably leave it at that and my post would contain about as much political fervor and insight as it will if I keep rambling on. But this is a blog, and blogs are for rambling (aren't they?).

With regards to the Presidential vote, I made my decision at the last minute. I wasn't particularly inspired by either candidate, so the reasoning behind my vote was interesting to say the least. I'll just leave it at that.

As for the Senate and House candidates, I either voted for/against the incumbent based on how they voted on the bailout. I don't think the government should be "bailing out" corporations that act irresponsibly and I think the market could have (albeit painfully) corrected itself given some time. At least that is what my non-political, non-economical mind parsed out of all that mess. I could very well be wrong.

I also made it a point NOT to vote for the candidate who's campaign called our house six times yesterday. Honestly, harassing me at home during my free time will not earn you my vote. Also, you will not gain my support by littering your name all over the street corners and roadsides. I really wonder if that works at all or is just another blatant waste of money.

I think there is much room for improvement not only in campaign reform, but our government in general. The problem is, most of us (myself included) wait until election day and grumble about our options while we cast our uninformed votes.

Monday, November 3, 2008

So far so good.

Ever since the "great escape" Maggie has been a good girl. She has been staying out during the day while we are at work, and we have yet to come home to any accidents or items mistaken for chew toys. She also seems to be worn out from all the excitement the day brings. See:

Lucy and Tucker probably don't get the sleep they're used to now that the little munchkin is out pestering them all day. Lucy after I woke her up for a photo shoot:

Oh, and we have a traitor in the house. Tucker is apparently an Aggie. He found this little hat and has been carrying it around the house. He does the same thing with a blanket he has, but I think the hat is more manageable.